Buying jewelry is a compulsive act of frivolous excessive callous unnecessary spending

We are not running a stall in a souk; we do not negotiate. Period.
We feel that bargaining is a waste of valuable time that we would rather put to good use. We also feel that a price that is open for negotiation was initially inflated, which is dishonest. We pride ourselves on honesty. Those characters who like to haggle are generally unpleasant and ungrateful. Bargaining indicates a lack of loyalty to the maker and a lack of trust, which is essential in artist-client relationships.
Rent is overdue? The exchange rate is unfavorable? Did you lose your job? A baby is on the way? We do not care. If you are broke, don’t buy jewelry.
Our prices
Our jewelry prices are up to 90% lower than traditional retail. They are fair and competitive, reflecting the current market value. Our diamonds and gemstones are priced wholesale; they match or are even lower than the prices of any legitimate reseller, for example, BlueNile or JamesAllen.
Because we are craftsmen first and merchants second, we react negatively to any bargaining that attempts to belittle our art. We will not tolerate haggling, and those who persist will be immediately banned for life.
We guarantee the most competitive prices anywhere while respecting the essence of our “affordable luxury” philosophy.
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Jewelry
- Can I afford it? Hint – if you have to borrow money to buy jewelry, it is beyond your means.
- Can I afford the actual cost? The true cost of ownership goes way beyond the price tag. You will have to buy the insurance. You will need to care for it and pay for occasional cleaning or repair. The engagement ring is the first stepstone to a wedding. You’ll need to buy a set of wedding bands, not to mention paying for the wedding and honeymoon.
- Will it add value to my life? Jewelry does not serve a purpose. Instead, it brings joy and a sense of well-being to your life. If not, don’t take it home.
- Is this the best use of my money? If not, you are shopping at the wrong place. Find a better jeweler who is able to give you top craftsmanship.
- Can I get by without it for a while? When it comes to an engagement ring, you are in a bind. Mass-produced jewelry will still be available when you come back. But not antique pieces that are unique or one-of-a-kind pieces that are made by jewelry artists like Leon Mege.